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Package sarama provides client libraries for the Kafka 0.8 protocol. The AsyncProducer object is the high-level
API for producing messages asynchronously; the SyncProducer provides a blocking API for the same purpose.
The Consumer object is the high-level API for consuming messages. The Client object provides metadata
management functionality that is shared between the higher-level objects.
For lower-level needs, the Broker and Request/Response objects permit precise control over each connection
and message sent on the wire.
The Request/Response objects and properties are mostly undocumented, as they line up exactly with the
protocol fields documented by Kafka at https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/A+Guide+To+The+Kafka+Protocol
package sarama
import (
// Logger is the instance of a StdLogger interface that Sarama writes connection
// management events to. By default it is set to discard all log messages via ioutil.Discard,
// but you can set it to redirect wherever you want.
var Logger StdLogger = log.New(ioutil.Discard, "[Sarama] ", log.LstdFlags)
// StdLogger is used to log error messages.
type StdLogger interface {
Print(v ...interface{})
Printf(format string, v ...interface{})
Println(v ...interface{})
// PanicHandler is called for recovering from panics spawned internally to the library (and thus
// not recoverable by the caller's goroutine). Defaults to nil, which means panics are not recovered.
var PanicHandler func(interface{})
// MaxRequestSize is the maximum size (in bytes) of any request that Sarama will attempt to send. Trying
// to send a request larger than this will result in an PacketEncodingError. The default of 100 MiB is aligned
// with Kafka's default `socket.request.max.bytes`, which is the largest request the broker will attempt
// to process.
var MaxRequestSize int32 = 100 * 1024 * 1024
// MaxResponseSize is the maximum size (in bytes) of any response that Sarama will attempt to parse. If
// a broker returns a response message larger than this value, Sarama will return a PacketDecodingError to
// protect the client from running out of memory. Please note that brokers do not have any natural limit on
// the size of responses they send. In particular, they can send arbitrarily large fetch responses to consumers
// (see https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-2063).
var MaxResponseSize int32 = 100 * 1024 * 1024