package serve import ( "" "" "bytes" "crypto/subtle" "" "io" "log" "mime" "net/http" "os" "path" "path/filepath" "strconv" "sync" "time" ) const cacheControlPrefix = "public, max-age=" type staticFileHandler struct { contentPool sync.Pool pathPrefix []byte baseVersion int64 cacheFiller func(header *fasthttp.ResponseHeader, versionPrefix, discretePrefix []byte) fileProvider FileProvider } // NewStaticFileHandler returns a static handler for fasthttp with advanced caching and url prefix stripping. func NewStaticFileHandler(debug bool, urlPrefix, staticUrl string, startupTime time.Time, fileProvider FileProvider) fasthttp.RequestHandler { h := staticFileHandler{ pathPrefix: []byte(path.Join(urlPrefix, staticUrl)), baseVersion: startupTime.Unix(), fileProvider: fileProvider, } h.contentPool.New = func() any { return [sniffLen]byte{} } if debug { h.cacheFiller = func(header *fasthttp.ResponseHeader, versionPrefix, discretePrefix []byte) {} } else { h.cacheFiller = func(header *fasthttp.ResponseHeader, versionPrefix, discretePrefix []byte) { if receivedVersion, err := strconv.ParseInt(strutil.B2S(versionPrefix), 10, 64); err != nil || receivedVersion > 0 && receivedVersion < h.baseVersion { return } var cacheDuration int64 = 2592000 if pushedDuration, err := strconv.ParseInt(strutil.B2S(discretePrefix), 10, 64); err == nil && pushedDuration > 0 && pushedDuration > cacheDuration { cacheDuration = pushedDuration } //add header header.Set(eighty.CacheControlHeader, cacheControlPrefix+strconv.FormatInt(cacheDuration, 10)) header.Set(eighty.ExpiresHeader, strconv.FormatInt(cacheDuration, 10)) } } return h.Handle } func (h *staticFileHandler) resolvFile(pathData []byte) (f File, stat os.FileInfo) { var err error // normalizePath requestPath := strutil.B2S(bytes.TrimPrefix(pathData, h.pathPrefix)) strippedPath := path.Clean(requestPath) if f, err = h.fileProvider(strippedPath); err != nil || f == nil { panic(eighty.HandledErrorNotFound) } // resolvFileInfo if stat, err = f.Stat(); err != nil { _, code := toHTTPError(err) err, _ = eighty.HandledErrorCodeOf(code) panic(err) } else if stat.IsDir() { panic(eighty.HandledErrorNotFound) } return } func (h *staticFileHandler) resolvContentType(name string, header *fasthttp.ResponseHeader, file File) { if ctypes := header.ContentType(); len(ctypes) > 0 { return } if ctype := mime.TypeByExtension(filepath.Ext(name)); len(ctype) > 0 { header.SetContentType(ctype) return } buf := h.contentPool.Get().([sniffLen]byte) defer h.contentPool.Put(buf) // read a chunk to decide between utf-8 text and binary if n, _ := file.Read(buf[:]); n > 0 { // rewind to output whole file if _, seekErr := file.Seek(0, io.SeekStart); seekErr != nil { log.Printf("file %s seeker can't seek", name) panic(http.StatusInternalServerError) } header.SetContentType(http.DetectContentType(buf[:n])) } else { header.SetContentType("application/octet-stream") } } // Handle is a handler method for http request. func (h *staticFileHandler) Handle(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx) { var ( // step 1 stripping url // step 2 openfile f, stat = h.resolvFile(ctx.Path()) queryArgs = ctx.QueryArgs() modTime = stat.ModTime() name = f.Name() respHdr = &ctx.Response.Header etag []byte ) // step 3 cache control h.cacheFiller(respHdr, queryArgs.Peek("v"), queryArgs.Peek("d")) respHdr.Set(eighty.VaryHeader, eighty.UserAgentHeader) // step 4 serve file if !isZeroTime(modTime) { respHdr.SetLastModified(modTime) } etag = f.Hash() if len(etag) > 0 { respHdr.SetBytesV(eighty.EtagHeader, etag) } // serveContent will check modification time if checkPreconditions(&ctx.Request, &ctx.Response, modTime, etag) { // not modified return } // step 5 resolve content type h.resolvContentType(name, respHdr, f) if size := stat.Size(); size <= 0 { ctx.Response.SkipBody = true ctx.SetStatusCode(http.StatusNoContent) return } else if subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(ctx.Method(), eighty.MethodHEAD) == 1 { ctx.Response.SkipBody = true ctx.SetStatusCode(http.StatusOK) } else { ctx.SetBodyStream(f, int(size)) ctx.SetStatusCode(http.StatusOK) } }