package eighty import ( "" "" "" "log" "net" "strings" "time" ) type ( cookieWriterFasthttpImpl struct { key string expireDuration time.Duration sessionSecure bool } CookieWriterFasthttp func(*fasthttp.Response, []byte, string) ) // NewCookieWriter is a useful cookie generator for fasthttp. func NewCookieWriter(key string, expireDuration time.Duration, secured bool) CookieWriterFasthttp { return (&cookieWriterFasthttpImpl{ key: key, expireDuration: expireDuration, sessionSecure: secured, }).Write } func (cw *cookieWriterFasthttpImpl) validateCookiePathByte(b byte) bool { return 0x20 <= b && b < 0x7f && b != ';' } func (cw *cookieWriterFasthttpImpl) validateCookieValueByte(b byte) bool { return 0x20 <= b && b < 0x7f && b != '"' && b != ';' && b != '\\' } func (cw *cookieWriterFasthttpImpl) validateCookieDomain(v []byte) (valid bool) { // isCookieDomainName if len(v) == 0 { return false } if len(v) > 255 { return false } if v[0] == '.' { // A cookie a domain attribute may start with a leading dot. v = v[1:] } var last byte = '.' partlen := 0 for i := 0; i < len(v); i++ { c := v[i] switch { default: return false case 'a' <= c && c <= 'z' || 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z': // No '_' allowed here (in contrast to package net). valid = true partlen++ case '0' <= c && c <= '9': // fine partlen++ case c == '-': // Byte before dash cannot be dot. if last == '.' { return false } partlen++ case c == '.': // Byte before dot cannot be dot, dash. if last == '.' || last == '-' { return false } if partlen > 63 || partlen == 0 { return false } partlen = 0 } last = c } if last == '-' || partlen > 63 { return false } else if valid { // isCookieDomainName return } // isCookieValidIp addr := networking.ParseIPv4(v) return addr != nil && !addr.Equal(net.IPv4bcast) && !addr.IsUnspecified() && !addr.IsMulticast() && !addr.IsLinkLocalUnicast() } func (cw *cookieWriterFasthttpImpl) sanitizeOrWarn(fieldName string, valid func(byte) bool, v string) string { ok := true for i := 0; i < len(v); i++ { if valid(v[i]) { continue } log.Printf("invalid byte %q in %s; dropping invalid bytes", v[i], fieldName) ok = false break } if ok { return v } var build strings.Builder for i := 0; i < len(v); i++ { if b := v[i]; valid(b) { build.WriteByte(b) } } return build.String() } func (cw *cookieWriterFasthttpImpl) sanitizeCookiePath(v string) string { return cw.sanitizeOrWarn("Cookie.Path", cw.validateCookiePathByte, v) } func (cw *cookieWriterFasthttpImpl) sanitizeCookieValue(v string) string { v = cw.sanitizeOrWarn("Cookie.Value", cw.validateCookieValueByte, v) if len(v) == 0 { return v } if strings.IndexByte(v, ' ') >= 0 || strings.IndexByte(v, ',') >= 0 { return `"` + v + `"` } return v } func (cw *cookieWriterFasthttpImpl) Write(w *fasthttp.Response, host []byte, newCookieValue string) { cookie := fasthttp.AcquireCookie() defer fasthttp.ReleaseCookie(cookie) cookie.SetKey(cw.key) cookie.SetPath(cw.sanitizeCookiePath("/")) if len(host) > 0 { if cw.validateCookieDomain(host) { cookie.SetDomainBytes(host) } else { log.Printf("invalid Cookie.Domain %s; dropping domain attribute", strutil.B2S(host)) } } cookie.SetSecure(cw.sessionSecure) cookie.SetSameSite(fasthttp.CookieSameSiteLaxMode) cookie.SetHTTPOnly(true) if len(newCookieValue) > 0 { cookie.SetValue(cw.sanitizeCookieValue(newCookieValue)) cookie.SetExpire(time.Now().Add(cw.expireDuration)) cookie.SetMaxAge(int(cw.expireDuration.Seconds())) } else { cookie.SetValue("-") cookie.SetExpire(oldTime) cookie.SetMaxAge(-1) } w.Header.SetCookie(cookie) }