package eighty import ( "" "" "mime" "strings" ) // Collection of predefined request header names. const ( ContentTypeHeader = "Content-Type" ContentLengthHeader = "Content-Length" EtagHeader = "Etag" UserAgentHeader = "User-Agent" LastModifiedHeader = "Last-Modified" ExpiresHeader = "Expires" CacheControlHeader = "Cache-Control" IfModifiedSince = "If-Modified-Since" IfNoneMatch = "If-None-Match" Server = "Server" VaryHeader = "Vary" ForwardedForIPHeader = "X-Forwarded-For" ) // Collection of predefined response header names. const ( RetryAfterHeader = "Retry-After" LocationHeader = "Location" FrameOptionHeader = "X-Frame-Options" ContentTypeOptionHeader = "X-Content-Type-Options" XssProtectionHeader = "X-XSS-Protection" XCsrfToken = "X-CSRF-Token" XForwardedProto = "X-Forwarded-Proto" ) // Collection of predefined cache header values. const ( CacheControlNoCache = "private, no-cache, no-store, no-transform, max-age=0, must-revalidate" ExpiresNone = "0" ) // Collection of predefined mime types. var ( HtmlContentUTF8Type = []string{"text/html; charset=utf-8"} HtmlContentType = []string{"text/html"} TextContentType = []string{"text/text"} TextContentUTF8Type = []string{"text/text; charset=utf-8"} UrlencodeContentUTF8Type = []string{"application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8"} UrlencodeContentType = []string{"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"} JsonContentUTF8Type = []string{"application/json; charset=utf-8"} JsonContentType = []string{"application/json"} ) // Collection of predefined CSRF header values. var ( FrameOptionDeny = []string{"DENY"} FrameOptionSameOrigin = []string{"SAMEORIGIN"} ContentTypeOptionNoSniffing = []string{"nosniff"} XssProtectionBlocking = []string{"1; mode=block"} ) // Collection of predefined http method names. var ( MethodHEAD = []byte("HEAD") MethodGET = []byte("GET") MethodPOST = []byte("POST") ) // HasContentTypeFasthttp is a simple checker that checks if an incoming request satisfies a given mime-type. func HasContentTypeFasthttp(r *fasthttp.Request, mimetype string) bool { contentType := strutil.B2S(r.Header.ContentType()) if len(contentType) == 0 { return mimetype == "application/octet-stream" } for _, v := range strings.Split(contentType, ",") { t, _, err := mime.ParseMediaType(v) if err != nil { break } if t == mimetype { return true } } return false }